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Where to Find The Right Food Manufacturing Jobs For You

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Food manufacturing jobs present a fascinating opportunity for career development and growth.


Globally, an estimated $4 trillion is generated each year with the retail sale of food. Those who thrive in this industry understand not only how to produce delicious food, but also how to follow and anticipate changing consumer demands and expectations. For example, customers have become increasingly concerned about the origins and ingredients found in their food. This has led to many manufacturers placing a greater emphasis on transparency regarding the origins of their ingredients.

Those interested in working in the industry will find job opportunities across a wide range of sectors, completing a variety of tasks. Here is what emerging professionals should know about where to find food manufacturing jobs.

What Is Food Manufacturing?

Food manufacturing jobs are involved in transforming basic edible materials into a variety of foods that people appreciate around the world. These jobs use diverse techniques and skills, ranging from modern machines and food combinations to ancient techniques of chopping and preserving.

The food manufacturing industry focuses on a few main categories of production:

  1. Packaged foods. These food manufacturing jobs revolve around preparing food products to make them easy for consumers to buy and cook. This includes foods like bread and rice.
  2. Convenience foods. With convenience foods, the companies handle most of the food preparation, making it easy for customers to enjoy their preferred dishes or even entire meals without having to manage too much production or personal cooking. This might also include some specialty foods. These products bring together less common or even exotic ingredients that would make it harder for customers to prepare dishes without convenient packaging that provides them with what they need.
  3. Meat processing. Within the meat processing category of food manufacturing jobs, the meat is processed, cut, and prepared into a form that is easy for customers to cook and enjoy.

Throughout the preparation of these foods, employees will engage in a variety of processes. Food manufacturing strategies might include seasoning foods, chopping, and preserving ingredients and dishes to extend shelf lives. Preservation often involves adding preservatives to the foods, pickling perishable items, or using refrigeration and freezing to help the foods last long enough for people to buy and enjoy.

Those interested in the food manufacturing industry will find that the wide range of jobs available can suit different personalities and career goals.

Together, these professionals fill the roles involved in creating the foods that line the shelves at markets and grocery stores.

What Are Some Food Manufacturing Jobs?

Food manufacturing jobs offer considerable appeal to many people because they present the chance to contribute to vital production processes. With only 2.1 million farms in the United States, most people rely heavily on food products that have been manufactured and sold in grocery stores and markets. This creates a favorable atmosphere for food manufacturing jobs, which will continue to be in demand.

The jobs within this industry can stretch across a variety of positions and wage possibilities. Positions include:

  • Bakers
  • Food batchmakers
  • Slaughterers and meatpackers
  • Machine operators
  • Food quality control specialists
  • Food production supervisors and managers
  • Nutritionists and dieticians
  • Recipe writers and chefs

Depending on the training needed, the technical skills required, and the location, the salary potential for these positions will vary.

For example, bakers can expect to see a 6% growth between 2018 and 2028. They also can earn average salaries ranging from less than $20,310 to over $41,640.

Food batchmakers can be found in different work environments. They can include professionals like candy makers, cheese makers, and tortilla makers. They earn a mean annual wage of $33,120.

On the other hand, nutritionists and dietitians, who can play valuable roles in the development of healthy, nourishing foods, have a projected 11% job growth rate between 2018 and 2028. Additionally, they earn average salaries that range from less than $38,890 to over $87,360.

Overall, those who work in food manufacturing jobs earn a mean hourly wage of $22.22, according to the most recent estimates.

Where Can You Find Food Manufacturing Jobs?

Those interested in working in the food manufacturing industry will want to know where they can find the best employment opportunities.

Job Locations

As of 2017, there were 36,486 food and beverage processing plants and establishments all over the United States. Some of the most common types of food processed at these plants include meats, dairy, beverages, baked goods, and tortilla products. Across these different establishments, an estimated 1.7 million people work. 29% of those employees work in meat processing, with the next highest group being bakeries — where 15% of the professionals work.

With such a large number of plants thriving in the United States alone, you’ll find opportunities in the food manufacturing industry in just about every state. However, there are a few states that do rank highest for the number of food manufacturing establishments they house. At the top of the list is California, which had 5,731 plants in 2017, followed by New York and Texas. This means that those interested in finding food manufacturing jobs may want to begin in these states as they search for jobs.

Look Up Similar Career Paths

In addition to location, those interested in the food manufacturing field will want to look at the requirements for pursuing different types of jobs and career paths. Many jobs in the industry — including batchmakers and those who operate many types of machinery needed throughout the food production line — do not need to possess particular degrees or certifications. Instead, these professionals will learn how to excel in their new field through on-the-job training.

On the other hand, positions such as nutritionists and head chefs will favor candidates who have completed the necessary training and certifications for their industry.

Knowing the types of training needed for different jobs in the food manufacturing field can help prospective job hunters find the food manufacturing jobs that will fit them best.

Search Online

The internet will provide you with the resources you need to find job opportunities across the country in nearly any industry. To find the listings for the food manufacturing jobs that fit you best, you need a search engine that will help you sort and identify potential jobs, while keeping you alert to new position openings that align with your professional goals.

Joblist can provide you with the job listings that fit your criteria. With our job search platform, you can create personalized job alerts and lists, which will draw your attention to relevant jobs as soon as they get posted.

To succeed with online job searches, you will want to keep the following ideas in mind:

  • Conduct some research on the companies that you would most like to work for. Know what they look for in employees.
  • Tailor your resume for the individual jobs.
  • Remember to review your regular custom job alerts. New food manufacturing jobs are posted every day, which means that your next career could open up either tomorrow or next week.

Find Your Place in the Food Manufacturing Industry

The food manufacturing industry offers a wealth of opportunities for those interested in working with food. From designing new recipes and creating delicious food for customers, to being a batchmaker for a candy company, the variety found in the industry means there is a place for just about everyone.

If you’re interested in finding your next food manufacturing position, consider these ideas for uncovering the job that fits you best. Joblist can help you get started on your job search. With customized search results, lists, and alerts that make it easy to find job openings, Joblist will help lead you to your next career.

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