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Blog>Guides>12 Signs You’re Not Valued at Your Place of Work

12 Signs You’re Not Valued at Your Place of Work

Article index


  • Most common signs that you are not valued at work

  • Examples of each sign that can stifle career growth

  • How to deal with this situation


Your work environment can make a huge difference to your productivity and morale. Professional spaces are meant to foster growth and help you realize your potential.

However, some workspaces may not bring out the best in people. A 2021 survey by the Achievers discovered that a little over half of American employees feel their manager doubts their productivity.

It is natural to be confused about the next steps when you feel your hard work is undervalued. However, people can resort to self-blame and frustration when not receiving recognition or deserved credit.

If you are reconsidering your current job because of its unhealthy work culture, here is a list of 12 telltale signs that you are undervalued at work.

What Are Some Signs You’re Not Valued at Work?

Signs of toxic company culture can be obvious in some cases but subtle in others. Determine where you draw the line. If any of these signs feel relatable, it might be time to either stand up or move on. Your time, professional fulfillment, mental health, and dignity are more important than anything else.

Lack of Gratitude From Your Boss or Co-Workers

Gratitude is one of the pillars of healthy workspaces. If you feel like co-workers and managers are not grateful for your contribution, ask yourself how often you hear these words (or a variation of the below):

  • “Thank you!”

  • “Your contribution was valuable.”

  • “Great work!”

  • “Well done!”

If you don’t remember the last time someone acknowledged your work, consider whether such a scenario is specific to your managers, co-workers, or workplace. If such a scenario pertains to your overall workplace, maybe it’s time to reconsider the job. However, if such patterns ring true for specific managers or co-workers, address it by asking for regular performance reviews that detail your direct impact to the project.

A lack of gratitude in workspaces will look something like this:

  • You do not get validation or credit for the tasks you complete

  • Your contribution remains unacknowledged

  • You get little to no verbal recognition

You Don’t Get Paid Fairly

Fair payment rewards workers for their value-addition. It is every worker’s right to be paid for their work. If your employer does not pay what you deserve, this is a serious red flag and you should reconsider your job.

This is what not being paid fairly looks like:

  • Your employer does not pay you the amount they promised

  • You do not get paid on time

  • Your employer makes excuses for not paying you equitably

Your Boss or Co-Workers Take Credit for Your Work

Nothing annoys people more than seeing their managers and co-workers take credit for their work. Unfortunately, studies show that women are more likely not to be credited fairly for their work. The root of such a problem is office politics. When this happens repeatedly, people feel demoralized and unrecognized. It can be easy to feel like an imposter and blame yourself when this happens, even if you have been making progress. Recognition and credit are important because they shape your career trajectory through promotions or salary increases.

Here are signs that you might not be getting the credit you deserve:

  • You share an idea with your boss or co-worker, and they regurgitate the same idea at a vital team meeting, claiming the idea is theirs.

  • You share the document you have worked hard on, and your co-worker submits it to your boss, without giving proper credit to the contributor.

  • Your work wins become theirs.

  • They make you do their work and claim that they did it.

Bad Work Assignments

Employees want to be challenged at work. The quality of the assignments you receive can help you in your career development prospects by forcing you out of your comfort zone. However, this is not possible if workers repeatedly get the worst tasks on the job. Feeling like you need to deal with tedious or low-quality tasks can cripple morale and self-esteem and cause burnout. Ask yourself:

  • Are you learning?

  • Are you adding value?

  • Are you having fun?

If your overarching answer to these questions is no, it is probably time to rethink your current employment.

Here are some signs that bad work assignments are not helping you grow:

  • You get worse assignments compared to your co-worker who is equally skilled as you

  • Your requests for different work assignments go unnoticed

  • You have not been given a chance to prove your skill on a high-quality assignment

You Get Interrupted in Meetings

Meetings are a way for employees to showcase their presentation, communication, and logical thinking skills. Healthy meetings also allow employees to build rapport with co-workers and bosses while discussing important issues. However, repeatedly getting interrupted in meetings may make you feel that your opinion is not valued. Such instances are a significant blow to morale and your sense of purpose.

Here is what getting interrupted in meetings looks like:

  • Your co-worker or manager repeatedly cuts you off when you are speaking

  • Your suggestions and recommendations are ignored

  • You get talked over, shut down, or penalized for your suggestions

You Feel Uninspired

Inspiration comes from being valued and recognized at work. You will inevitably be more enticed to work well if your contribution is recognized. Unfortunately, people can also feel uninspired at work due to bad work assignments and toxic work culture.

Here are some signs that you are uninspired at work:

  • Work feels like a chore for you

  • You feel like you are continually wasting your time on menial tasks

  • You feel like your current job doesn't challenge you or help you grow

You’re Not Given the Resources to Do Your Job Well

It’s frustrating when you try to do your job well, but your company refuses to provide you with the necessary resources and support. Support can come in several forms, including paid time off (PTO), personal protective equipment, and flexibility to juggle personal and professional life. In addition, good companies will often provide resources for people to learn from their mistakes and grow professionally.

Here are some signs that you are not given the resources to do your job well:

  • You have to manage your work resources alone

  • You feel burnt out because there is always more work and fewer resources

  • Your company refuses to understand your professional and personal needs

  • Your company doesn’t give you permission for PTO or other employee benefits

You Haven’t Been Given a Promotion or a Raise in Years

Have you been working for a long time at your current job? Have you gotten a promotion or seen your pay rise? It is a major red flag if you have been adding value to a company in the same position and earning the same amount for years on end. Lack of a raise or promotion indicates that your company does not value your contribution or work progress.

Here are some signs to consider before you decide that your company does not appreciate your efforts:

  • You have not received a raise despite asking for one

  • You do not receive a raise after each additional year of work at your company

  • You do not get a raise or a promotion after an outstanding performance

You’re Being Micromanaged

Unlike, say, an entrepreneur, working at a company forces you to give up some autonomy and freedom in how you go about your day. However, an ideal work environment provides some leeway in how you carry out tasks. Micromanagement occurs when managers or bosses become so involved with others’ work that they stifle workers’ creativity and inspiration. Micromanagers are often obsessive about control in their workspaces and enjoy being the sole decision-maker for a project.

Here are some signs that you are being micromanaged at work:

  • Your boss or managers always need to know what you are doing

  • There is little to no work delegation

  • Independent decision-making about tasks is impossible

You’re Unable to Take Your PTO

Do you feel stressed about your work even while you are on vacation? Do you get work emails and urgent calls during time off? Unfortunately, if you answered yes to both these questions, your work culture does not allow you to take paid time off (PTO). PTO is necessary to boost productivity.

Here is what being unable to take a PTO looks like:

  • Your employer guilt-trips you when you ask for a leave

  • Your employer does not care about your responsibilities and interests beyond work

  • You feel like taking a break will leave you in a rut

Lack of Professional Growth Opportunities

Professional development and career growth opportunities are vital for employees’ productivity and well-being. No one wants to work a dead-end job without ample opportunities to utilize their skills and grow. On the other hand, a lack of growth and challenge can make your work mechanical, causing you to feel uninspired about your tasks and projects.

A lack of growth opportunities may manifest as:

  • You feel professionally stagnated because work offers no change in routine

  • There are no additional opportunities to prove your skill beyond day-to-day work

  • Your potential is not being utilized

  • Your managers are disinterested in your career advancement

  • Your career plan is not supported

You’re Feeling Isolated at Work

Do you feel disconnected from others at work? You are not alone. According to a 2021 report by Gallup, a little over half of the surveyed workers felt disengaged at work. Isolation and disengagement kill productivity and community at work, creating unhappy employees and an unfriendly workspace.

Here are some factors that are making you feel isolated at work:

  • Your company does not prioritize a sense of community

  • Your co-workers are cold and unfriendly

  • You do not have matching interests with your co-workers and managers

What Should You Do When You’re Not Appreciated at Work?

Knowing that you are being undervalued at work is not enough. It is also vital to address the problem before it gets out of hand and hinders your mental well-being. Fortunately, there are some practical steps to combat this painful experience.

Communicate How You Feel With Your Boss and Co-Workers

If you feel undervalued at work, it is time to communicate how you feel with your boss and co-workers. They might have made you feel undervalued unintentionally. Effective communication can ensure that managers and co-workers think before doing something that makes you feel unappreciated.

Moreover, when you support others, advocate for them, and respect their boundaries, they will likely reciprocate your efforts. Therefore, clear communication should be a top priority in your professional relationships.

Ask for What You Need

Sometimes, people don’t get what they want because they don’t ask for it. There is no harm in asking if you think you deserve a leave, a raise, or a promotion. If you feel like your managers are disengaged, ask for regular feedback on your work and thank them for their constructive criticism. When your recommendations are not heard, ask how to make your suggestions carry weight. Small acts of asking can save you time and mental energy by fostering engagement in the workplace.

Consider Moving On

If your company does not give you the respect you deserve despite your best efforts, know that this is the time to quit your job and move on. Your time and energy are far too valuable to be used for a company that does not recognize and respect your efforts.

Instead, look for a different company that fosters the sense of community and engagement you need. Working in an environment of growth, support, and challenge will make a significant difference in your career trajectory and personal well-being.

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