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Blog>Guides>How to Write a Message to a Hiring Manager in Another Country

How to Write a Message to a Hiring Manager in Another Country

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  • Learn what to say in a note to a hiring manager
  • Discover the value of a great note to a hiring manager
  • Understand what’s different about writing to a hiring manager in another country


Finding a new job can be a stressful, but also exciting time. Whether you work with a recruiter or search for job postings yourself, you want to find a position where you can grow your career and use your skills to the best of your ability.

This is especially true when applying for jobs abroad. As with most jobs, you’ll face stiff competition. However, you’ll also need to consider the differences between your home country and the country where you’re applying for work, such as potential language barriers and cultural differences.


This might mean editing your resume or cover letter to meet that country’s standards. If you’re really looking to make a great first impression and stand out in the job search, though, you might want to consider writing a message to the hiring manager. Regardless of whether you’re new to the field or have years of experience, you’ll have a better chance at landing a job interview if the hiring manager knows who you are.

This article will cover what you need to know about writing a message to a hiring manager in another country so that your job search starts off on the right foot.

Why You Should Send a Message to the Hiring Manager

When a business posts a job opening, they often receive dozens — or even hundreds — of job applications. From this pile of applications, they have to select a few to move forward to the job interview part of the process. The sheer number of people they have to consider can be overwhelming.

In situations like this, it’s common for applicants to blend together. You want the hiring manager to remember you, however. When you write a quality message to the hiring manager, you demonstrate your seriousness about the position and create an opportunity to make yourself more memorable.

Giving the hiring manager a chance to learn a bit more about you and giving them a reason to pay closer attention to your application can mean the difference between getting a job interview and not moving forward with that particular job.

How to Write a Message to a Hiring Manager

When writing a letter to a hiring manager in another country, the bulk of your letter should focus on building a connection with the potential employer. We’ll walk you through the elements that should be reflected in your message.

Contact Them in an Appropriate Way

When you plan to reach out to a professional, like a hiring manager, make sure that you keep your communication professional, as well. Finding their personal Facebook profile and then commenting underneath an image of them with their family or friends isn’t the right way to make an initial connection.


Instead, use a professional channel, like a business email. This initial contact will help ensure that you don’t catch the hiring manager by surprise and demonstrate your own professionalism. Remember that the goal is to cast yourself in the best possible light and put your best foot forward.

The subject line should contain your name and the job title of the position you’re applying to. Then, in the actual message itself, make sure to use the name of the hiring manager. If you go with “Dear Hiring Manager,” this might make a bad first impression. Most times, you can contact the company directly or search their LinkedIn page to see who the hiring manager is.

Begin by Relating With Something in Common

One of the best ways to establish a connection with someone new and to spark a conversion is to relate to them on some level. Look for something in common you might have with the hiring manager, such as:

  • Where you’ve visited in their country
  • An international sports team you follow
  • Something that inspires you

This can help you find common ground with the hiring manager, making it easier to transition to the rest of your message.

Get to the Point

Remember that the hiring manager doesn’t yet personally know you. They don’t want to waste their time reading a rambling message. Instead, get to the point of your letter pretty quickly after you introduce yourself.

Getting to the point shows you respect the reader’s time and gives you a better chance of having your entire letter read. If you create something long and burdensome to read, the hiring manager may fail to read the entire thing, which defeats the purpose of writing the message in the first place.

Establish Credibility

Give the hiring manager a reason to pay attention to what you have to say. A good way to do this is by providing two to three sentences that discuss relevant experience or a skill set that makes you a desirable candidate for the position you’ve applied for.

For example, suppose you’re applying for a marketing position in Spain. In that case, you might discuss your fluency in Spanish and your experience with search engine optimization (SEO).

Specifically Mention How You Can Help Them

Let the hiring manager know why it’s worth their time to connect with you and discuss the job opening. When someone prepares to make a hiring decision to fill a particular position, they have their own checklist of desired attributes.

With your message, you have an opportunity to demonstrate how you’ll help the hiring manager achieve their goals. You must carefully read the job description to understand what the hiring manager wants to see in the new hire. Looking at the company’s website can also provide you with insights into its values. Take note of the specific traits and skills listed.

Direct Them to Learn More About You

If your message does its job, the hiring manager will be interested in knowing more about you. Make it easy for them to find the information they seek by including your contact information like your phone number and links to social media, like your LinkedIn profile. Since the hiring manager is overseas, though, they may simply reply to your email.

Failing to include this information may result in the hiring manager moving to the next name on the list. Remove any barriers when it comes to helping them learn what makes you shine.

End With a Direct Request for Contact

Once you’ve written a successful message, the next step lies in convincing the hiring manager to contact you for a follow-up. Take the preliminary introduction you made a step further and add the personal connection that can come with a phone call or another form of additional contact.

Therefore, the last bit of your message should include a contact request. You don’t want to be pushy or annoying, but you do want to make it clear you’d like further contact. You want to have another chance to demonstrate why you’d be the perfect fit for the role.

Offer specific suggestions for connecting, such as times and days you’ll be available. Then, sign the letter with your full name and get ready to send it off.

Things to Consider When the Hiring Manager Is in Another Country

If you want to write a message to a hiring manager in another country, here are a few things you should keep in mind:

  • Familiarize yourself with the business etiquette in the country of your hiring manager. Different countries have various customs surrounding the levels of formality expected in a business environment, and you want to make sure you don’t appear rude. From the salutation to the sign-off you choose, make sure your language reflects the hiring manager’s business environment.
  • Consider the time differences. When sending a message or suggesting times for a call, make sure you consider the time differences. For example, sending an email on a Friday morning your time will not correspond with office hours in the hiring manager’s country. So, you might want to schedule it to go out Monday morning instead, so it doesn’t get overlooked.
  • Consider language differences. When writing a letter to someone in a business environment, language differences might appear in ways that you don’t expect. Even if you speak the language fluently or natively, you still want to understand the nuances of addressing people in a business environment and any issues you might encounter.

Find Your Next International Job on Joblist

If you’re looking for your next job in a foreign country, Joblist is the perfect place to start the search. Take the Joblist quiz — answer a few short questions and we’ll create a personalized set of job matches. So, while you focus on what you’ll say to the hiring manager, let us focus on helping you find the right job.

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