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Blog>Guides>7 Tips to Write a Copy Editor Resume That Will Get You Hired

7 Tips to Write a Copy Editor Resume That Will Get You Hired

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  • What a copy editor does
  • Specific skills to highlight on your resume
  • What mistakes to avoid on your resume


Copy editors review and revise content for publications across various print and digital media formats. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), you’ll likely need a bachelor’s degree in a field like English, journalism, or communications to become a copy editor. You must also demonstrate basic computer proficiency, such as mastery of word processing programs.

A well-written, organized, and error-free resume is critical to securing a job as a copy editor. The below guide explains how to craft a winning copy editor resume to get your dream job.

What Is a Copy Editor?

Copy editors are responsible for proofreading content, ensuring it’s free of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. They also check for overall consistency, conciseness, and readability.

A copy editor may work on digital or print publications like websites, magazines, books, or news stories, depending on their place of employment. They might be employed in an array of industries from publishing to advertising. Copy editors may also work on a freelance basis.


Copy editors generally work directly with writers, proofing their work, providing edits, and sharing feedback. They ensure that the final copy is comprehensible, streamlined, and error-free. Some copy editors may also take on the task of writing photo captions, headlines, and subheadlines for the content they review.

To be a great copy editor, you must have a thorough mastery of the English language — or whatever language in which you work. You should have a passion for the written word and a keen eye for detail. You’ll often have to work under deadlines and must be stringent about adhering to project timelines. You should also be able to handle the pressure that comes with deadlines.

7 Tips for Writing an Effective Copy Editor Resume

Do you think you would make a great copy editor? You can start applying for jobs with an appropriately tailored resume. Follow the guidelines below to craft a perfect resume that will help you get the gig you want.

Choose an Easy-to-Follow Format

Before you start writing your resume, decide on a format. You have three primary templates to choose from:

  • Reverse-chronological. This lists your years of work experience in reverse-chronological order, with your most recent job at the top. The work experience section is followed by additional sections for skills, education, and accomplishments. This format is a great way to show vertical career progression and upward mobility professionally.
  • Functional. A functional resume emphasizes qualifications and opens with a resume introduction highlighting relevant strengths. This is followed by a brief overview of work experience, omitting time periods and simply providing one line per job. Then, the resume lists relevant skills, education, and accomplishments. This format is ideal for someone without many years of experience or with gaps in their professional history.
  • Combination. A combination resume combines the chronological and functional formats. It opens with a qualifications section like a functional resume but still provides detailed work experience, like a chronological resume. This allows you to evenly present your most relevant professional successes, skills, and experiences.

Keep Your Contact Information Near the Top

Regardless of the type of resume format you use, you should always list your contact information at the top. Include your city, state, telephone number, and email address.

Craft a Copy Editor-Worthy Introduction

Include a clear and concise sentence or paragraph at the top of your resume to quickly introduce yourself. Highlight the skills that you’ll contribute to the company or role for which you’re applying. Although brief, this text should be well-written and flawless in terms of grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and vocabulary. Since a copy editor position is all about perfecting the written word, you want to make sure your writing is, indeed, perfect.

Highlight Relevant Past Work Experience

Highlight your past work experience, providing a bullet list overview of essential duties you performed relevant to the role for which you’re currently applying. Avoid discussing past jobs that aren’t relevant to the position at hand. Also, don’t go into too much detail; bullet points are enough. The recruiter can then ask for more details in the interview.

While you don’t want to be lengthy, you should be detailed. For example, don’t just say you managed a team of writers. Say you managed five in-house writers plus eight external freelancers. Don’t just say you copy edited a magazine. Say you copy edited a 50-page home and garden magazine on a monthly basis.

Showcase Your Education

List any relevant education you have, such as a bachelor’s or master’s degree. Also, highlight certification courses you may have completed (such as obtaining an NYU Certificate in Professional Copyediting, Proofreading, and Fact-Checking).

Describe Your Hard and Soft Skills

When detailing relevant skills for your copy editor role, divide them into a hard and soft skills section. Hard skills are concrete and quantifiable, while soft skills are more personality-driven.


Hard skills for copy editors might include Microsoft Office or PowerPoint, search engine optimization (SEO), Adobe InDesign, Acrobat, or Photoshop, content management systems like WordPress, social media, HTML, and more. You should also highlight industry-specific knowledge, like familiarly with the Associated Press style guide.

The soft skills of copy editors could include attention to detail, organizational ability, time management, and communication skills (like the ability to provide constructive feedback to copywriters about their blogging).

Format Everything Neatly

Keep your formatting clean-cut and straightforward. Use a simple font like Arial or Times New Roman, 12-point size. Avoid fancy formatting with graphics or intricate fonts. Create 1-inch margins on all sides and justify the text to ensure clear lines. These formatting details ensure an organized, polished appearance.

Mistakes to Avoid on Your Copy Editor Resume

Above, we covered the dos of writing a copy editor resume. Now, it’s time for the don’ts. Avoid these mistakes, which could jeopardize your chances of getting your desired job.

Too Much Detail

When you’re eager to land a job, it can be tempting to include every possible detail that proves you’d be a good fit. Avoid the temptation to overshare. Your resume should ideally not exceed one page in length. Recruiters view hundreds of resumes in a given week and don’t want to sift through something long. Your resume should only include information that’s relevant to the job for which you’re applying. Otherwise, you risk overwhelming the HR person.

Difficult to Find Key Information

Make it easy for hiring managers to quickly see whether you have the key skills they’re looking for. Highlight what makes your applicant profile unique and what skills you have that will allow you to thrive in the given role based on the job description. A hiring manager should be able to see what value you bring to the table in a single glance. Otherwise, they may pass over your resume.

Any Mistakes

Copy editors are responsible for fixing others’ written mistakes and delivering flawless final copy. Thus, you can’t have any grammatical or spelling errors in your resume. Proofread the finished product twice. Better yet, have an external proofreader review it, as well. A second or third set of eyes is always useful.

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